The Georgia Reactor Run - 100 Mile Endurance Trail Race is this Saturday!

This event is being put on by GUTS. So- why is it call the "Georgia Reactor Run" you might ask? Well, the Dawsonville Wildlife Management Area was once known as the Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory. It was a nuclear test site in which the US government was researching and trying to develop a nuclear powered aircraft. So, during a run out there, you may see a few remnants of the nuclear test site, one being the hot-cell building where the nuclear reactor was housed.

Thankfully I am not running it, however I will be working the timing table from 4:30pm - 2:30am on Saturday, so if you are in the neighborhood and want to see some trail running first hand stop by! There are about 200 runners registered to take part in either the 50K, 50M, or 100M race.
I will be beginning my morning by heading off to Berry College to run the annual 1/2 marathon held on campus.

This is the final "test run" in my build up to Sweetwater. A little half marathon effort, to see where I am and what progress I have made since the Freedom Run last month. The Crackhead has reminded me that this is not an "A" race and I will not have a full taper, so the results are not going to be completely indicative of what my full potentional could be - translation, "I am still running you hard, so don't set you hopes on a superfast time and remember, this is a lead up to Sweetwater, not the goal race. Follow the pacing"
He has me set up to run a 1:48:59. The prescribed pacing has me starting out at a 8:37 mile, dropping 3 seconds per mile (i.e 8:37, 8:34, 8:31, etc.) Of course this is all ideal running and following the pacing is harder than that. (For me at least)
I attempted a 9 mile practice run of that, this past Saturday with decent sucess. I managed to hit some of the times and overall ran a negative split. The whole theory behind this pacing is to slowly build through the HR zones, arriving at mile 10 without ever really going into the LT zone (164-170 -My run on Saturday was perfect in that regard.) Arriving at mile 10, with a 5k remaining, the race begins in ernest. I can leave everything on the road and run the remaining distance at lactate threshold and see what I've got.

So, I've got a full dance card this weekend! Then we begin the dreaded 3 hour runs!
Oh, a quick shout out to Her Name Is Rio & She Runs Thanks for the contest! ( I won a "Run" magnet!)
Weight - 188.0 (Down 1 lb from last week; 13 on teh year)
Training Schedule
Su - 1:30 zone 1
Mo - rest
Tu - 60 minutes - hills
We - trackwork
Th - rest
Fr - easy running & drills
Sa - 1/2 Marathon Race
Su - rest/recovery run
I first wanted to wish you good luck for this race. Now I wish you fun and no trouble at the table. ;)
Not the goal race. Not the goal race. Not the goal race. Sometimes it's hard to remember but I have faith you will do well.
You are a trooper volunteering until the wee hours! Keep yourself in check on the 1/2--it will pay off.
Congrats on the pound!
Nice plan on the race pace. I need to learn that, but right now I'm just trying to stay "fast". And great that you are volunteering.
I'm going to have to stop reading blogs, because a 100 mile race is starting to seem like a "someday" item instead of the craziness it truly is. Hmmm...maybe I should get through my first marathon before I go off the deep end.
I hope your volunteering time goes well. I had a really good time at the race I volunteered at and am definitely planning to do more.
I have a trail half marathon coming up in a few weeks, and I'll be telling myself the same thing you are...except in smaller words and bigger numbers. There'll be none of those 8ish minute miles. Yet, anyway.
Solid plan!! Watch out for 3 shelled snails out there:)
btw- I am loving the 3 hour runs again!! so will you!
racing is all about execution with your current fitness. I like your plan as well. I've heard nice things about Berry. I look forward to hearing your take on things.
Great job working the race - that should be fun!
You do have a busy weekend. Enjoy it all.
Enjoy your half marathon and volunteering. Maybe I'll see you out there, I'll be working at the Ram Road aid station during that same time.
Long ago as part of a previous job I toured the hanger built for the nuclear aircraft in Idaho. Never used but they do have an engine developed for one of those planes on display at a museum near Arco, Idaho.
Rock on GA Snail! I love that Berry half. Good race. Have fun at GRR, too. I'm sure you'll see some crazy stuff - no vatican assassin warlocks, but nevertheless, some crazies ;-)
I thought about this race but not enough time to be trained for it. Pinhoti looks like a great Fall race. I was signed-up the first year they had it but got the flu the week of the race.
Good luck with the race!! I would love to volunteer at an endurance event. How fun! 3 hour runs. Yep, those are creepin' up on my docket as well. 3 hours is better than any form of speedwork in my opinion though:)
WOW, sounds like an awesome event to volunteer at (hope you don't glow in the dark afterwards).
Good Luck with your race....GO SNAIL!!
Hi Thomas,
I have missed you and reading your blog during my little blogging break! Thanks for the comments and for checking in on me...appreciate it so much:)
Holy cow! You have so much going on right now! Good luck to you with all of your races! I can't wait to here how everything pans out for you! Hugs!
just found your blog! keep up the great work!
Yeah, GRR is a lot more sexxy than GNAL:))
Good luck on your race Saturday and we'll see ya at GRR.
Hey, congrats on the weight loss...verrrry niiice:)
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