Another deserving couple, so I am happy with the outcome. Thanks to all that voted. My entire family was overwhelmed with the outcome of support - it was very humbing. My sister said it best, "We have already won; with the love from our family & friends." Very awesome!
Speaking of awesome, CJ nominated me for Athlete's Plate. Jason over at Cook Train Eat Race designs really cool recipes for athletes in training...I guess this makes me a real-live endurance athlete now, SAH-WEET!

Although we have not been dumped on with snow like many of our midwestern friends, the rain & cold have been brutal this week. Tuesday night I had 50 minutes of hill running on the schedule, I had to head out in the rain to get my miles in...way to HTFU. I looked like a drowned rat upon return. My loving bride meet me at the door with a couple of towels, all she could do was shake her head and tell me, "I love you...but your crazy!"
Speaking of crazy...looks like Fatpants has decided she wants to become a trailrunner too - as decided by her interest in Terri Hayes' website for South Carolina Ultra Trail Series. Terri puts on 5 races a year, that are FREE! Low key & awesome...homemade finisher medals. Best kept secret in the south!

I can't believe you named your cat Fatpants.
Sorry your sister didn't win, but I'm glad the couple who did win was equally as deserving.
Happy weekend to you.
Best name ever for a cat.
Bummer about your sister, but we tried our best. They may not have won, but they have a lot of love and support.
I was going to head up to Hunstville this weekend for the RR 100, but noticed one Thomas Armbruster not listed among the big name runners. Why bother - right?
Cold rain sucks... I would take the cold and snow just about any day- so good on you for getting out in that icky crap!
Cold rain is miserable and the reason I skipped my Monday run. Good for you getting out there, but ugh.
Aww bummer. But I suppose we tried! Tell her to have a great wedding for me!
Love the name of the cat.....hilarious.
You were a real endurance athlete the moment you said yes to the Equinox Marathon. Don't let anybody tell you any different.
Glad you liked the menu.
At least you got an "I love you" before the "you're crazy"!!!
Love the Cat's name!
Love you boo:)
Love the picture of the cat on the keyboard! We had one really fat cat and we lost her - we think to a coyote!
Sorry to hear your sister didn't win...but try we did! Hoping she still has a great wedding.
Wow, a low-key and free trail race- sounds like a winner to me!
I was really wanting that for your sister.
I like running in the rain, but warm rain not cold - like you said - way to HTFU!
I haven't done any of terri's races but I do hope to! They do sound fun.
bwahahaha! hill repeats in the rain, right up my alley! Is Fatpants up for that kinda stuff? :-)
Before I can rejoin the blogosphere for real, I figure I have to thank everyone who was so thoughtful to me during my family's recent trials.
And tha includes you.
So ... Thanks, brother!
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