As a sign of appreciation, our department is taking us to the aquarium today, that's kinda cool. Hey, we get to wear jeans & leave the office at noon, I'll take it!
Last week I finished a 40 mile training week. Last week & this week are my final big weeks before Chattooga 50k, then there will be a 20% reduction in miles as I begin a semi-taper. This past weekend I did a combined 25 miles. Saturday's workout was "Dixon" (I don't know what that means, that's just what the Crackhead called it. It must be the name of the guy who invented it - or maybe maybe that is what you say about your coach after you do it. "He's a dixon for making me run that." No?)
Anyroad - the "Dixon" is 10 minutes warm up, zone 1, then 10 minutes zone 2. For the next 60 minutes, you run Z2, with every 4th minute zone 4/5. Man, what a workout, I really started to feel the effort about an hour in, making those last 4 to 5 - 1 minutes surges difficult. In the beginning, my zone 4/5 was about a 6:45 m/m pace, the last few I was struggling to get to 6:55 m/m. At the end of the day I covered about 9 miles and got a second speed session in for the week. As we are working towards getting faster this season, I am getting two speed sessions a week.
Sunday's long run was done at "Sean's Run Like Hellathon", Sean B. is a local trail runner who hosts a hellathon usually twice a year. It's pretty straight forward, he sets up and aid station on his front porch and people come out and run a 1.1 mile loop in his neighborhood. The Hellathon lasts for 12 hours, 7am - 7pm. You can run as little or as much as you want.
I had 2.5 hours on the schedule, so I got there early to get my miles in before it got too hot. Sh!t, summer is here. It got hot & humid real fast. I managed to squeeze out 16 miles on tired legs....It was great being able to run with a bunch of GUTS runners and see some old faces. However, I plan on getting out even earlier for this weekend's 3.5 hr long run. Distance running + Summer + Me = HOT MESS!

Speaking of running in the summer heat, what type of tricks do ya'll use to beat the heat?!?!?!
Do you run pre dawn?
Cut back on the miles?
Run indoors?
Just write numbers in the log but not actually run???