9 weeks until the Long Cane 50 and lasts week's running had me sweatin' like a whore in church. Literally and figuratively. June has gone down as the hottest month on record and my running has suffered this wrath. The pacing was horrible and I had begun to question my fitness and dedication. Case in point, Thursday, I had 7 miles on the books and bailed 3 miles in...I walked the remaining half mile back to my car chalking it up as "Just one of those bad runs".
I know that I will have bad runs. I also wasn't setting myself up for success by running this particular route(Dairy Farm-thick, grassy route) at this time of day (6pm- 92 degree). That long walk back to my car had me replaying my last few weeks worth of running and it was all the same song. Slow pace, high HR, and a struggle to finish the workout. I had finished my second 50k of the year just a few weeks ago, I couldn't understand why these "easy" runs were so durn hard!!!!
Then, almost as if it was a birthday gift from Mother Nature, a low pressure front moved in over the southeast and we were treated to a wonderful weekend of weather in the mid to low 80's. Running anyone?!?!?!
Like a red-neck with a box full of illegal fireworks, I. WAS. EXCITED!!!

Saturday morning I slipped on my new Brooks Ravennas and met up with Cubbie for a 5 miler. - Effortless.

Sunday, Watermelon Crawl with the local running store. They had a 6 and 8 mile course mapped out. I needed 10, so I planned on running the 8 and adding on 2 miles on the back end. My goal was to go out easy an try and run 10:30's with a little pick up on the last 2 miles.
The first few miles flew by and I had to keep telling myself to slow down or I was going to blow up. Every time I would slow down, I would look back at my watch and see that I had crept back to 10's. By mile 5 I decided to stop trying to control my run and just let it happen. As I continued, my times were dipping 10 seconds per mile. 9:50, 9:40, 9:30. Last mile, strong finish, 8:32. What a great feeling to have my legs back under me.
I know that this weather won't last. I took full advantage of it...the most important thing is that I reset my mind as to understand that I will struggle in the heat. When the oppressive heat lets up, my times will return. I need to keep putting my miles in the bank and finishing my workouts. I have also decided that in addition to my regular speed workouts, I need to get up at 5am once a week to run longish, just to remind my body of what the effort feels like when it is still in teh 70's...
Oh yeah, PINHOTI BABY!!!
Those shoes do look pretty fast!
Glad you found your legs again with the better weather. Remember that they're still there, even when disguised with freakishly hot weather!
Glad you got a break in the weather. It's up here now!
Yes this heat can go screw itself. even in raleigh it's supposed to be 97, 99, 99, 99, 98 for the next few days. screw it.
Yeah, it was nice while it lasted. It's been creeping back up there this weekend, though, and it's supposed to be back in full force by Tuesday here.
Hi Thomas,
I am so glad that you were able to run in comfort for at least a few runs:) Holy cow, you were booking it too! Look at your splits...you speedster! Those shoes do look fast:) Stay cool Thomas!
You got to carpe diem and get out there and RUN! Way to crank away at it.
You're right - those shoes DO look fast.
That was a nice little break in the weather, but it looks like the heat is back this week. Hey, if you need a pacer for Pinhoti, I might be available for a couple of 10-20 miles.
Mother Nature is in payback mode. The last two years summer has started out mild. Not this year. But you keep plugging away - good job!
Glad the break in the bad weather allowed for a little lift to your latest run[s]. Amazing what lower humidity can do.
Long Cane is gonna ROCK!!Before you know it...PINHOTI, BAAABY! I was thinking about you just yesterday as Laurel Valley brought me to my knees-literally. As I puked stomach acid through my nose, I thought, "Man, Thomas is in for a GOOD TIME!PINHOTI, BABY!!"
Like a red-neck with a box full of illegal fireworks
Just say "Like Carolina Cletus". It's a shorthand way of saying the exact same thing.
Holy snaps man, another 50? Best Wishes and good luck, that is so cool. Hopefully the weather will be cool for you too.
sweet shoes!
have a great weekend!
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