Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Equinox here I come!

The conversation started something like this..."Hey, so I have always wanted to run this local race and I am probably only gonna be up in Alaska for one more year, so this is the year to do it. If I pay for your plane ticket, will you come up and run it with me?" Let's see, my little brother wants to pay for me to fly to Alaska and run a race with him? "Sure, why not. " "What's the name of the race?" "The Equinox Marathon" Really? Well, I have always wanted to run a marathon so...Then I started doing some research. This run is billed as the second hardest marathon in the United States. At mile 9 you begin a three mile climb where you go from 600 feet above sea level to 2400 feet, a total of 4000' of elevation gain for the entire course! However, what goes up must come down right!

So, I began training. 3 mile runs, three times a week, just to build my base. This week I officially start my training program and with that I have decided to start a blog to chronicle my progress...I have had some great runs theis past week, 4.5 on Saturday, 3.0 on sunday and an easy 4.0 miles yesterday with my new running partner Debbie and her dog Wrigley. (Yes, she is a Cubs fan, but that is for another day. Let's go Mets!)

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