There is a ton of stuff for me to catch up on....Countless blogs to read, witty retorts to think of, polls to vote on, insults to sling at the shrinking CJ and a Half Marathon to run!
First things first! Jamoosh tagged me in the 10 Things post so it is only right that I grant you people a little glimpse into the inner workings of teh Snail....ala Letterman's Top 10!
#10...David Letterman...(come on, gotta pay some props for stealing his bit!)
#9...Getting a new pair of running shoes two months after having just bought a new pair.
#8...Winter in the South...(I will not post pictures for fear of hurting any feelings)
#7...That feeling about five minutes before a race starts...
#6...That feeling right after crossing the finish line...
#5...Getting a "perfect" song on the shuffle during a run.
#4...comments on my blog (seriously, those emails make me giddy like a little kid!)
#3...The second to last interval on track day.
#2...Smoking CJ at Tybee...
#1...my Sweet Boo!
11 days until Tybee, I completed my last long run of 15 miles on Sunday. I will get one more track workout this Thursday~Yasso 800's x 9! Last weeks Yasso's were awesome, my times are dropping and I ran my last rep at 3:36! Somebody might be fitting into a size 32 after I get done beating that a$$ at Tybee....I am definately in race form...
Really enjoyed reading through your blog.
You killed the Yasso workout. Good luck at the Tybee/ CJ Smack Down!
Time to rest and sharpen. Can't wait to hear about your impressive victory!!! Believe in your superior fitness and allow it to flourish!!
#8 with a bullet!
Welcome back! Very cute the whole David Letterman thing you got going on here:) You have a great list!! I also love the feeling before and the feeling I get after crossing the finish line! I also get giddy when I get comments on my blog:) Have a great day and thanks for sharing!
Oh Georgia Snail, you had me at the girl in the bikini....
You mean that your head didn't implode for not having the internet? Huh.... I'll have to try that sometime . Naw, too risky.
Numbers 9,7,5 and 4, I so agree with you.
Kick CJs b***!
Lack of Internet access...I should have suspected as much. Well, "giddy" up now that you're about to fulfill some of those things on your Top 10 list in less than two weeks. We're all rooting for you at Tybee.
I was wondering where you went. TG it was only the internet. Go kick some ass at Tybee!
Loved the list! And I try hard not to rub my south florida winters in the northern bloggers faces....but its darn tempting ;)
only 11 days left until your beat-down? i'm doing my last long run tonight (also 15 miles). prepare to be flattened snail!
et tu, Al? geez.
So there is life after internet porn?
Rubbish!!! (fingers in ears) la la la I can't hear you!
Well, if the comments make you happy, I guess I can comment.
That feeling 5 minutes before a race? For me, it's the need for a port-a-potty.
Georgia Snail it is time for a new post:) You need to get typing:)
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