Race week is here blogger fans...The miles have been run, the carbs are being loaded and the trash is still being talked...

Come Saturday, yours truly and CJ will be toeing the line with 3000 of our closest friends in an attempt to break 2 hours in the half marathon.
After logging a personal best of 126 training miles in the month of January, this snail is entirely confident is his ability to finish this half-mary under 2 hours! This past Thursday I finished my last track workout. Yasso 800 x9...If Mr. Yasso is correct in his marathon speedwork preparation then I should be in great shape for going after a 1:57 1/2. Here are my most recent 800's.
After a heavy mileage month, I am really taking the time to enjoy the mini-taper on the schedule for this week. Tuesday I will do a 6 mile run with 4 miles at race pace in the middle and then a 4 miler on Thursday just to keep the legs loose...
Let's make it official and post some goals...
A. Cross the finish line before CJ.
B. Cross the finish line in less than 2 hours.
C. Average 8:45's and break 1:55.
All kidding aside, I am really looking forward to Friday's packet pick up. Hopefully I will get to meet up with CJ for a minute on Friday, a chance to talk with him a little, you know, compare the size of our...blogs...
Is this showdown televised on national TV? I'm sure Vegas would post a line but they don't want to siphon off the action from some football game the next day.
Plenty of more trash to be talked.....
Hi Georgia Snail,
Wow, good job on the high miles for January!! Good luck on that half marathon...I am sure that you will do awesome:)
You've totally got this! Can't wait to read all about it and I friggin luv that logo! :)
Alright!! The moment of Truth is nigh. Get plenty of rest, visualize victory and make the decision NOW- that when things get tough, you WILL push through it and run your best race. You deserve it!
Tense week of trash talk! Can't wait!
oh but the trash talking has just started to BEGIN!!!
You may have your yasso's and your 126 mile month -- both impressive. But I have the single solemn desire to crush your will to live. I'm going to put the hurtin' on you so bad your grandkids will be born crying.
i'll call you when i get down there friday. my brother michael will be with me for the weekend as well.
Good luck! You've trained well and hard and I predict great things from you.
And be sure to let us know whose um..."blog" is bigger.
Chalk it up. I'm guaranteeing it FOR you! That's how confident I am. Good luck!
Your training has gone phenominally well, which should have you oozing with confidence. Stay focused and tough. It is yours for the taking!
Best of luck!
Good luck buddy! I like the levels of goals - something I totally do too.
Based on some of the runs you've been talking about, I think that sub 2 is totally in your legs. But, then you can no longer call yourself a snail!
I don't know who CJ is, but I hope you administer a spanking!
Linked over from The Seah...good luck!!! I hope you can make your "C" goal!
Go Thomas, go Thomas, go Thomas.
Just run CJ in the ground. You can do it.
Believe in your training, your body knows what to do.
Have a grea trace, Teh Snail! State Boyz have a special place in my heart, but CJ is my bud, ya know? What I do know is I hope you both leave it all on the race course! Have fun!!!
I just stalked your race time when looking up mine for my 10K! Saw the time! WTG!
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