Okay, I have been a little remiss in my blogging as of late~but I have not been neglecting my running. The Snail has been running out of his shell!

45 days out from the Tybee 1/2 Marathon & 5K and I am starting to get excited. We have really been hitting it hard lately. I am running 5 days a week averaging 30-35 miles. My speed work last week was awesome! I did my Yasso 800's; 5 laps.
The crackhead was doing K repeats and he was coming into the turn as I was rounding out my last 800. He pulled me through to that 3:52 and it felt great.
I ran my long run of 11 miles on Sunday in 1:47. I am stoked with the time, it is just around a 10 minute pace. My goal pace for the 1/2 will be about a 9 minute mile so I am feeling pretty good about how things are shaping up.
In other running news, I am shaping up my 2010 race calandar. I am looking at a Spring marathon, probably somewhere in North Carolina. Also, I would like to put a Fall/Winter marathon on the calandar. I will enter the lottery for NYC; I do have a couple of plan B's though. I do not want to run another early fall marathon, as I do not want to go through another Savannah Summer training for a full mary...those long runs in July and August were just cruel...
I have a half on the schedule(Tybee in Feb.) and would like to add one more. Somewhere in the Southeast, if anybody has any suggestions. We will scatter some 5&10k throughout the year just to keep it fun.
Then there is the Ultra.
There two goals that lurk in the back of my mind that I don't speak of often.
1. BQ and eventually run Boston.
2. Complete an ultramarathon.
The ultra is currently more attainable...and because I don't do anything half-a$$ed; just half-cocked...I am thinking about the SweetH20 50K...
You actually cross a creek(twice) Not like, "splish, splash, I am running through a little creek" but more like waist deep, hang on to this rope so you don't get swept away in the current, creek...This ultra might have to wait until 2011 because I am a skeered...
Full race calandar post to come soon....I am looking for ideas on regional runs...any info would be great!
My motto is... if you are scared, then it must be worth doing!
I hope you get into NYC26.2. I'm in already for 2010 (I had to defer out for 2009).
Not regional, but up here in Minnesota we have the Superior Hiking trail. Super race and super volunteers... It is a cool road trip for a few of you southern runners in Spetember for the 50 and the 100... The most memorable runner I know is from your hood (Christian) and he did it and lived to write a great post about it...
Are you allowed to swim across that creek...twice? Your times look great.
Just found your blog and love it. The turtle could be me. LOL.
And I so know how you feel about Boston. When I first saw their quali times, I screamed in outrage. Right at this moment, I'd say we talk about Boston in about 10 years. ;-)
Oooh that ultra sounds scary but fun, I say go for it!
Ultra, ultra, ultra! I could never do it because my bod won't hold up to all that pounding but I think it would be a killer accomplishment.
Run the ultra.........then I can get you a Night Owl Racing singlet.
Is it OK for a man to tell another man that I like your Yassos?
Well I do!
Nice time on those Yassos, you!
And you will absolutely meet those two goals. My first marathon was a dismal 6:16 - my buddy and I very nearly were the last to cross the finish line. But seven marathons later I finally got it right and BQ'd.
And anyone who can complete a marathon can finish a 50K...maybe not happily or speedily, but they can finish! Good luck with all your race goals in 2010.
Great job on those Yassos!!!
That ultra skeers me too! OMG!
Looking forward to hearing about what you have cooked up in 2010!
P.S. Who says we were going to leave the hotel room anyway ;)
Wow, your last interval was your fastest!!!?? Awesome.
I went to the sweetwater 50K and was disappointed because it wasn't about the beer.
A great blog Man! I'm going to enjoy reading your entries. Thanks!
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