This snail has started turning heads...
~True story~
Overheard on last three runs with my new training buddy....
~Who is that hawt guy with the sahweet Garmy?
~Gawd I wish I had one of those, oh and I like the watch too...
~You'd think with that high falutten watch, he would look both ways before crossing the intersection...
Okay, so some of that might have been not actually said out loud but they were thinking it. Especially the second, er, third one...
Big shout out to my little brother and his beautiful wife for totally hooking me up at the family Crimas celebration. We have been talking about this watch for quite some time and he really shocked me when he told me he got it for me! How lucky am I?
So of course I had to take it out for a test drive that day. It corners like it is on rails! (anyone?) My only question is why does my Garmy not beep at the mile marks? I figured maybe I don't have it set up properly and have poured over the instruction manual to no avail....any help?
I was in Tennessee for the holiday visiting with the family and it was cold! Damn, long runs at 30 degrees is not what I signed up for man! However, in the grand scheme of things I will take cold over the summer heat and humidity any day...It only took a few minutes to warm up and get comfortable in the cold. I can never get comfortable in Savannah's heat.
I'd like to thank everyone for weighing in on my "Ultra" debate. I am really close to pulling the trigger on this deal...I just wish it wasn't so close to the spring marathon I am looking at, maybe I can use the marathon as a long training run...okay, so I am looking at a March 21st Mary, with the Ultra being run on April 3rd. I will defer to the experts; is 13 days long enough between the two events?
Very nice watch...I have one. I don't use the HR as much.
stack the marathon with the ultra, take some extra down time in between, just short stuff to remind your body of the task, you will have full success...
Top Gun???
Jealous of the watch!
I'm no expert on back to back races, but I ran Kiawah Marathon as a training run on Dec 12 for Fat Ass 50K, which I'm running on Sunday. I know a lot of people who do this very successfully, so yes, it can be done! I'll have a race report on Monday if you want to stop by and check it out.
I agree with Beth, a lot of folks use marathons are training runs close to their ultra. The key is not to push it in the marathon and mentally see it as another run.
And congratulations on your new running companion.
On the watch, Hit Mode. Select Training and hit Enter.
Select Training options and hit Enter.
Select Alerts and hit Enter.
Select Time/Dist. Alert and hit Enter.
I have Time Alert off and Distance on Repeat, 1 mi.
Congrats on the Garmin, what an awesome gift!
Corners like it is on rails..... Pretty Woman. *sigh* What do I win for giving my man card?
I'm clad that Al showed you how to get it to beep. Basically you have to set it to autolap on a mile. You can change it to do every half mile etc etc.
I have no idea on the closness of races - but I'd trust The Sean.
As to run marathon and ultra. No clue.
Hurray for the garmy. Let us know what you think about it. I want to get myself a new watch after my first marathon and am undecided yet. It seems as if every triathlete uses garmys, but I think they are too bulky and really ugly, I can't say anything about their performance as I have never used one. So... But as an engineer, I'd say performance is more important than a nice looking design. Mmmh.
Happy new year.
i love stacking races back to back. i ran my first oly tri 6 days before my first marathon and it rocked! I was in way better shape for the tri than I otherwise would have been.
and i love my garmin too. Well done T!
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