In an effort to maintain the motivation from my marathon training, I have decided to enjoy a full Fall race schedule. While reading an email from the local running store Fleet Feet I noticed there was going be an inaugural 5K in Beaufort, SC; about 45 minutes away. I knew this would be a small race so I thought it's only $16.00 and who knows maybe I can come away with some hardware...After checking with a few runners and bloggers(CJ) I signed up.
Early to rise yesterday morning and headed to Beaufort. I got there early and my buddy from FF was setting up the timing so we chatted about our marathons, he is running NY in November. I was telling him I was hoping to drop a 26 and maybe grab a 3rd place finish. He told me in his expierence, these courses tend to be a little short and I should shoot for 24+,25...I was scanning the compition and felt good about placing, even with my slow pace....
Off we went, the race course began at the church and went through the local neighborhood. I went out fast and knew I needed to settle into a comfortably painful pace. I was a little thrown off that they did not have the miles marked so I really had no idea what pace I was running. Mentally, I was locked into this "24 min" 5K that Kevin thought I could run, so I used the time to figure out where I was on the course. The first two miles went by and I was reeling in runners who gassed the first two miles. Hell, I just ran a fricking marathon, I can burn a 5K right?
Wait!?! Why does my watch say 23:30? WTF? Where is the finish line?
Oh, there it is...okay, 25-26 is in the picture still...Maybe this course is not short but just the right distance...
What, go right? Go around the entire parking lot? But Mr. Friendly Course Aide, the finish line is over THERE! Hmmm, okay, 27 minutes...God, why are my legs so tired, this is not supposed to hurt like this...
Do what? Are you kidding? GO AROUND THE ENTIRE CHURCH? No, this has been at least 3.1 miles already! Thomas, did you sign up for a 10K?
29 minutes...okay, the finish line should be around this corner....push, don't get chicked....
30:33...Kevin was standing at the finish line and had a huge grin on his face. As he gave me my card in the chute he said, "Course was long, huh?" Course was long? How about 3.5 miles!
I can laugh now, but it was not funny during those four minutes.
As I filled out my race card I saw the 35-39 basket was empty. First place!?!? nah, can't be. Well, I did finish 21st overall so, maybe...While talking with Kevin he told me they were going to combine groups and go to 10 year catagories. That's cool, I was just glad to be here, who knows, maybe I will sneek in a third place.
As the awards were being given out I learned the overall winner was in the 40-49 cat., with a 23 and change time... yup, course was long.
"Now for Males 30-39...second place goes to Joe Schmo" Wait, I passed that guy in the last half mile? Does that mean... "First place, Thomas Armbruster. By the way folks, Thomas ran a marathon in Alaska last Saturday." Geez, thanks Kevin.
So....I got some hardware...and I drove the course after the race and it was 3.45 miles...Glaven!... I know you had something to do with this! My pace was 8:50, I'll take it.
One foot in front of the other, one step at a time.
Glaven!... I know you had something to do with this!
I did in the sense that the same DAYUM thing happened to ME in a race that was supposed to be a 5k! I did it in 30:10 and I mapped it afterward and it was actually more like a 3.6-mile course!
It was at, and for the benefit of, a school, too! A school where they teach math, supposedly.
Just not very well.
What a nice way to followup your marathon. I'm sure, even with the additional yardage, it still felt much, much shorter than you're used to running. Very nice trophy.
awesome ag win dude! way to go! a long course is unbelievable. that's ridiculous. but you still turned in a good time and took home some hardware. and rubbing it in glaven's face.... isn't that really the best prize?
Great job, even on a long course!
Congrats on the hardware!
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