Friday, May 29, 2009

National Running Day
So, next Wednesday, June 3rd, is National Running Day. I usually do not run on Wednesday, I work both jobs on Wednesday, however, in the true spirit of National Running Day I will wake up extra early and go out for a spin around my block...

Speaking of spins around the block, Cubbie and I decided to meet at Daffin Park and do 4.5 miles. This next statement will only be the beginning of a three month complaint...It was hot! Hot and Humid. So the themometer said it was 91 degrees when I got out of the car at 5:30, I know it will get worse before it gets better, but it was still hot. I loved every minute of it! I know, sounds wierd. Anyways, not much else to report...I need a nap....stupids cats....

Ten miles on Sunday! One foot in front of the other, one step at a time.

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