We last found our hero gliding through the finisher's chute as he just notched another PR in his belt.(These are the only addional notches being made in said belt these days...)
Only allowing myself 36 hours to bask in the glow of a 20th AG placement, I refocused my attention to the task at hand. "Where is the registration table for the second half of the GW,MA! 6.66MR?" "Where is the course map? Does this race have Johnny-on-the-spots?"
After a quick review of the fine print in the online race registration, I decided to include a portion of my "Pi Day LSR" as the remaining 3.56 mile race course. Had I properly planned ahead I would have raced 0.42 miles yesterday, leaving me with a nice 3.14 mile run scheduled for today. Let's be honest, who here really wants to read a race report for a 0.42 mile race? Looking at the bigger picture, is there anyone even reading this race report besides Razz, who has to read it as it is his job as RD.... I kid...I know my mom reads this. Hi Mom!
I had nineish miles planned(9.8696044)today so I was going to run three warm up miles, virtually race 3.54 miles and then cool down with 3.14 miles...give or take.
The warm up was great, it was a cool and breezy 55 degrees in Savannah and the St. Patrick's day festivities are gearing up. I took a wrong turn somewhere near the park and ran head on in to a gaggle of Shriners!

Close call...As my warm up was drawing to an end I reached into my pocket and pulled out my race bib. It was quite the dickens pinning that thing on mid run. In hind sight, I guess I could have stopped and pinned it on, but you saw those Shriners....
After finishing a heart stopping rendition of the National Anthem, Part Deux of the VR was underway. I quickly moved to the front of the field of runners, I could hear the Kenyan's muttering under their breath that I would crash and burn at this pace. Maybe they were right, only time would tell.
As I approached the 1st mile marker, I felt as if someone was running in my wake. Never one to look back in a race, I paid no mind to the runner drafting off of me. "Let's see what this freeloader has in the tank, you want to draft off of The Snail, you gotta pay the price!" I dropped it into the next gear for a 10 step acceleration..."Whatchu gaut boy?" Damn, still there...He was hanging on through mile two, never wanting to come up and take his turn pulling...
Mile 3 was a blur, the lactic acid was building and my legs were burning, "Please stop Snail, you are a monster!" Surely, that is what the guy behind me was thinking as he was holding on for dear life at this break-neck pace.
We were now rounding the corner to the (virtual) finish line, I could see the clock ticking...

It was at this point I glanced over my shoulder to see if my challanger was still hanging on...What the hell!?!1! Ryan Hall????

Man was he trucking....but not today Mr. Hall, today victory will be mine. As he attempted to pass me, I gave him a little elbow and banged him into the course barrier...(What? Did you think I was gonna beat him one on one with my legs?)
Victory is mine!!!
Garmin time for 3.56 miles - 29:40
Overall Combined Time - 53:41
Overall Pace - 8:03
Apologies owed - Ryan Hall, ING NYC Marathon, Savannah Shriner Outfit
Many thanks are in order...
First, I would like to thank "The Snail" for without him, none of this would be possible...
Secondly, I would like to thank the Snail's parental units and the Great NYC Blackout of 1973...for without them, well...let's not go there...
Lastly, let's give Razz, et al, a round of applause for organizing this fantastic event. The course was friendly, the volunteers beautiful and the water was cold...
I plan on returning next year, who is with me?
Ryan Hall! Really....I wish I would of thought of that one:) Entertaining race report Thomas! Good job!!
LOL. Great report, man, great report...
Excellent race report! Wish I was so clever!!!
LMAO! You are too funny!
Who's Ryan Hall?
And are all Shriners gay? Or just Georgia Shriners?
Also: What's a Shriner?
My eyes! My eyes! (Just saw the picture of the dancing guy in the green pants!)
Strong work on your race! Hall will have to wait for another day as today was yours!
As long as ryan hall makes another appearance, I'm there in a heartbeat.
Hilarious! And FAST!
Your Shriners are a whole lot more exciting than our shriners...
Looks like we have a winner!!!
Suck it Ryan!!!
ROFLMAO... That's one of the best RRs EVA!! :-)
Muahahahah. ROFL.
This is one of the best race reports I ever read, even though I had to look up who Ryan Hall is. Well, he just ate your dust cloud hahahaha.
correction: It's the best race report I ever read!
Awesome race, and nice elbow action to shut out the competition. Glad I wasn't there. :)
Epic race report, I'm halfway done my 6.66 virtual race, but mine was not nearly as exciting... although I did do it with dogs?
LOL. Great finish!
Thanks for your comment on 'Cool Kids', your report was awesome too! Good luck at the awards dinner!
Yes, yes; a golf clap for the Razz!
So, so entertaining, Snail! You have given us all a run for our money here.
Man, that's an awesome pic of Mr. Hall. I thought you were gonna see 1) your shadow or 2) Razz. Nice surprise!
Okay, I'm laughing so hard, I really am crying here! What a crazy report!! Please tell me this was a virtual race and that I'm not in some drug crazed haze!!
HAHAHA LOL, I love it all, congrats
that's a good one! now where's the wrightsville beach race report? you know the marathons are the only important races around here? just ask glaven. oh wait, he's a pussy.
Tell Hall next time you will spot him a few minutes.
Too funny!
Also cool to hear about your upcoming ultra. Cant wait to read about it! You gonna run the Equinox 50k sometime??
Hahaa. Way to kick Hall to the curb ;)
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