T'anks a bunch for all of the words of encouragement after my pity potty fest, well thanks to everyone 'cept for LooMoo...something about whining and bad weather...It is hard to understand her Moscovian accent. Anywho, to the rest of the readers, you will be happy to know that I embarked on a week of successful, fairly enjoyable runs. Tuesday found me braving 50 degrees and sunny skies while I traversed the Talmidge Bridge for a nice 7 miler after work...

Thursday I had to struggle through the melting snow as we had unseasonably cold temps peaking in the low 60's. Not to be defeated I meet the Crackhead at the track for speed work!

The meat and potatoes of my training was the scheduled 20 miler on Sunday. I was a little unsure about this run seeing as how I bailed on the 18 miler the week before and this run would be 5 miles longer than any distance covered since the marathon last September. Setting myself up for success I planned a route that included the bridge as I need to add as much hill work as possible over the next 4 weeks to prepare for the 50K at Sweetwater Creek.

I put water out the night before and Cubbie met me at my house at 7am. She was going to do the first ten miles with me. Off we went at a conservative 10:30 minute pace. By mile two we were almost over the bridge and I was beginning to question wearing my windbreaker as the temps were rising like libido during rutting season.(Cha-ching, that was a keeper!) We decended the bridge and began the 1.5 mile trip across Hutchinson Island to the race track. As we were winding around the two mile road course I began to feel the call of nature. Luckily I work at the resort that is located on the island and we were able to pull into the golf club for a quick pitstop! (see how I did that? because we were running on a race track. pitstop, get it?) After dropping the kids off at the pool, I felt much faster and we headed back over the bridge to my house.
Within minutes of finishing off the first 11 miles and making it back to my house, the Crackhead pulled up to my house, put on his trainers and we said our farewell to Cubbie. He needed to get 50 minutes of "easy" running in before he began his "real" workout.(Whatever, dude. You will always be the crackhead if you continue to talk to me like that...) We headed out for 5 miles at a 9:30 pace. Those miles flew by and before I knew it, he was off to the park to get his step down's in. I was left with four miles of solo running. I followed to the park for a couple of laps to take in the scenery. Savannahian's love to come to the park when it warms up. The local's were out in force. Running, picnicing, sunbathing...you name it, they were there.
I finished up my 20 miler in a total time of 3:26:26.(Editor's note, I stopped the watch while at the pitstop and also the few minutes waiting for the crackhead to put on his shoes) Overall this run turned out to be a huge boost to my mental game. In the words of the immortal poet LL Cool J, "Don't call it a come back, I've been here for years!"
Great job on that 20 miler! I am so excited to read all about your upcoming 50k! For reals, you are going to kick butt!
Kudos to you for slogging through that horrible weather.
Awesome job for busting out a 20 miler!! The picture of the track makes me miss the short sprints:) Keep up the good work!!
Great job on the 20 miler.
20 miles in 3.5 hrs is really solid. Nice work. A few more of those and you'll be able to run a 50k in your sleep!
Awesome to get your 20 in like that - great company AND negative split!
Yay for a week of success! Now keep it up!
See that. Your legs deserve more credit than your mind wants to give them:) Back on the horse!! That weather sounds plain awful, we'll have a high of 20 tomorrow...
What an enjoyable post to read! (Use of animal husbandry metaphors aside, that is;)
Happy to see your training going well, and great job on the 20-Miler. I am really looking forward to hearing about your 50K!
Keep rockin' it!
Good job with the long run. Looks like your plan is coming together. Stay focused on how you will feel during the end of your race, and then go train harder.
It will be cool to see how tear up that 50k course.
For some reason, every time I try to comment at work I get an error message. So I am reading, just can't comment if I read at work. Great job on your 20!!
I think I'd be able to crank out 20 if that bridge were on my route too. So beautiful.
HAHA! I just laughed out loud at the thought of my fence doing the "gangsta lean" - LOL! Fantastic! Thanks for making me laugh in the midst of my griping! :)
Forgot to mention this in the comment above....
To give a few more details, the posts are on HER side of the fence, and she owns her home. I am just renting.
Not to mention the fact that the men were in MY backyard without my consent. I pulled up and had NO idea what was going on.
Thank you for the help with this! :)
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