I have had some sort of post race blues. I haven't had any desire to run. The runs I have done have been "blah", I even bailed at mile 11 on my scheduled 18 miler this past Sunday. Everyone tells me this is normal and I will snap out of it but the problem is that I am smack dab in the middle of training for my 50K...Hello!?!? I can't bail on my 18 miler when I have an Ultra to run in 6 weeks. I think part of it is the continued Winter Snowpocalypse that the mass media is force feeding us. Granted I live in the deep south and our Winter's are much more subtle than our northern counterparts, but COME ON! Let's warm it up a little Mother Nature....pretty please...

Spring is right around the corner and we kick it off with a bang here in Savannah GA!!! The St. Patrick's Day parade is second only to NYC in size and it turns into a week long festival! I no longer participate in the drunken debauchery, I have since replaced it with the annual March of Dimes Shamrock 5k.

In an attempt to bounce back from my post race blues, I allowed myself the week after the half-marathon to run at my leisure. Staring today, it is back to the grind. We have 6 1/2 weeks until the ultra. I have sprinkled in a few fun races between now and then, nothing too hard, just a 5k and a 10k. We will take each training week as it comes and before I know it I will be in my taper leading up to Sweetwater!
One foot in front of the other; one step at a time!
Don't sweat it! You had a big accomplishment which required a lot of mental energy. Do not turn that into a negative. Just move ahead now, slowly and patiently.
As far as the 18 miler goes, you have plenty of time and one long run has little to do with your overall training package.
Now, just enjoy the movement and meet running halfway. It'll be glad to not be pushed into the relationship again.
A Big Successful run followed by immediate training. Recipe for a letdown. Gotta run through it - gotta do it. No excuses.
One foot in front of the other; one step at a time! - You just gotta keep repeating that to yourself! Just keep running, Just keep running, Just keep... you get the idea!
I think we all get that way where we just don't want to get our butts up and move:) You are totally normal and you will eventually snap out of it. Just tell yourself I need to run and I am going to do it!! Keep smiling because spring is just right around the corner:)
Ahh, don't be so hard on you. Grant your body and your mind some rest after your huge accomplishment and then head out all new. (The shoe picture LOL)
The Shamrock run sign looks like a lot of fun.
And yeah cant wait for the spring, too. -12°C this morning. Brrr. But the funny thing is, I got used to it. It's only a few days, then it's march and spring will be here. sigh.
Got to hate those post race blues. Just run daily and they will soon be a distant memory
you know, also between now and the ultra thers's that pesky marathon thing? wrightsville beach? maybe?
i've had a tough time running too since tybee. the legs just don't have that spring in them right now. it feels harder, sluggish even. and i has new pains. swimming and biking are rocking however, and i can't wait for tri season.
I'm still in my post-race funk from November, so don't sweat it! That's what a new race in the horizon is for :)
You're doing an ultra this year before I am? What's wrong with this picture? Those winter blahs are just the price of a glorious spring!
Yeah, but enough already!
The transition after a race can be tough, both mentally and physically. But it sounds like your body is just withdrawing and gathering strength for the next push...Just like it's supposed to!
Just pretend that a hairy legged Commie is on your tail - that'll make ya run.
I havent felt like running in years but you have to just get out the door. =)
You'll get back on it. Everthing always starts to click mentally when the next race starts to approach. 50k is a fun distance. You will do great.
Dude, you are SO not a snail!! :)
Thank you for the positive comment. I need all the reassurance I can get!!
Just keep on moving! The post race blues happen to everyone.
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