I have also been wanting to try out this new podcast that is supposed to have music set at a certain BPM, thus keeping you locked into a consistant pace. Today was a day for new things...
Armed with my podcast guiding 170 BPM music and a well established 10K course on the toughest bridge in the southeast, off I went!
I started the music and my run, this motiontraxx podcast is specifically designed for the 10K distance. I felt like the first mile was fast but I attempted to keep with the beat. I hit the first mile around 9:45 but felt comfortable. The route puts you on the onramp of the bridge at about 1.75 miles into the course.
2 mile mark came on the first climb of the Talmidge beidge, I hit is at `19:24, holding that 9:45 pace. "There is NO way I will keep this pace!" Crested the bridge and began the first decent. Three mile mark at 29:24. "hmmm, 10 minute mile while on the bridge?!?! When will the wheels fall off?"
I hit the 5K mark while in the flat, looping around to the onramp of the other side of teh bridge, 30:18.
This second climb is actually easier, although it FEELS harder! 4 mile mark is also on the climb of the bridge, 39:14. I am actually really impressed with A.) my ability to hold this pace on this bridge, and B.) the fact that this wordless "drum music" isn't driving me bonkers.
Okay, crested the second pass on the bridge and my legs are shot. As the decent speeds up, I can't let go like I usually do. Hitting the 5 mile mark at 50:44 (11:30 pace) explains alot, that second pass on the bridge really took alot out of me.
I know there are two sneaky hills left ahead so I put me head down and run. I cross the finish line as the music is ending and my watch reads 1:02:24...hmmm right at a 10 minute pace just like the website said.
Logging into the Worldwide Festival of Races website I was able to get this fancy certificate from the "Crack Race Directors"!

I was fairly impressed with the MotionTraxx podcast. I really want to see how consistant I can be on a flat run, so maybe I will play around with it over the next few weeks and let you know...
One foot in front of the other, one step at a time.
When I lived in coastal Carolina, I used a bridge for hill repeats. If only I'd had that podcast I might have enjoyed them more. Sounds like you had a good start.
Sounds like a great run!
Sounds like a good run. You just never know what you can hold onto when you push yourself!
coolio. i always match my pace to the music too. kanye west seems to keep me the fastest.
Maybe you could start sprinkling some striders in at the end of your easy runs... this will help with that downhill flow while tired. You already know from what you wrote here that you were fighting yourself and actually slowing yourself down for this section of the run. So-- just teach yourself to relax when tired and flow on through!!! Nice Job! And that Certificate is something your ancenstors will raave about:)
Awesome run!
I love that finisher's certificate :)
I also have music that's supposed to be set to a certain cadence to keep my pace at a certain point, but I can't figure out how to get the darn song on my iPod.
Do you think if I deleted "No Woman No Cry" from my iPod I'd pick up the pace?
Also, where the hell is Glaven?!??!
That's so cool to have your ipod set to a certain BPM, great job!
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